Welcome to the Land of Junganew!
Come join the herd for a sound-filled adventureThis is a world where animals play. Moving to each sound and singing to the beat gets the sillies out so get off your feet. As the animals learn their sounds, they discover the true meaning of friendship, accepting each other’s unique qualities and sticking together as a herd. Let’s have fun as we learn and grow… Exploring new things…Ready, set, let’s go!

Story Synopsis
A quirky herd at Junganew® Elementary School is sent on fun filled adventures by their teacher, Miss Snake, to learn their sounds and other valuable skills, learn about each other, and most importantly learn about themselves.
Junganew®: A Herd of Sounds is an interactive story-based series where an eclectic herd go on fun filled adventures. With each adventure, the herd creates an experience to teach and learn speech sounds to each other and to our kiddos at home. While learning language and social skills, important life lessons are embedded into each experience. They’re each filled with respect, acceptance, collaboration, forgiveness, and love: necessary attributes to become effective communicators. Movement and musical strategies are incorporated to help children experience their sounds with their whole body. Each character and their habitat uniquely represent a new sound for our little ones to learn. For example, Miss Snake represents the sound of “S” because snakes make this sound when they hiss. Theo the tree frog represents the sound of “TH” because frogs stick their tongues out to catch flies. Watch our characters come together to learn their sounds in different positions of a word as well as build words when the herd comes together!
Why Junganew?
- All children, both special needs and mainstream, need to learn their sounds in order to be effective communicators
- Covid-19 has required parents/caregivers to become active participants in education. They need tools to assist
- 10-15% of preschool children have speech sound disorders
- 8-9 % of grade school children have speech sound disorders
- 75% of children with speech sound disorders have language deficits
- There is a correlation of language deficits to learning disabilities
- Speech sound disorders is a red flag for future academic deficits, especially in reading and writing
- Speech sound disorders is linked to social deficits due to bruised self esteem, thereby,
bullying becomes prevalent - Early intervention State/Federally funded programs do not focus on sound development
- When sound development is taught in school, children are grouped together allowing for very little practice
- Clinical speech and language therapy is expensive
- It is time to reimagine our educational future for teaching the masses of children their sounds and other important components of speech and language development; the essence of all communication
Educational Features
- Sound Acquisition
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonological Awareness
- Language Development
- Vocabulary Expansion
- Pre-academic and Academic Skills
- Listening Skills
- Auditory Discrimination Skills
- Prelinguistic Skills
- Pragmatic Skills
- Comparative Learning
- Collaborative Play
- Musical Strategies
- Whole Body Learning
- Multisensory Learning